Welcome friends! - Thanks for visiting my web site and expressing an interest in my travels, I have been on my walkabout the past six years, the term ‘walkabout’ referring to my desire to travel without a set destination or time frame. The more common term perhaps is wanderlust. That's not to say that I don’t have some general guidelines for my travels. I have been visiting National and State Parks and other places of interest throughout the United States- hiking, camping, and exploring to experience the natural and unique beauty each area has to offer. I have also enjoyed the fascinating people I've met along the way.

We can find beauty and joy almost everywhere we go and discover friendships with the people we meet. We just have to be open to it. I have always held the belief that, “it’s not the destination, it’s the journey”. Life is a adventure and every one of us has the chance to design our own journey and each of our stories is worth telling. Here are some excerpts and snipets from my book for you to get a taste of my travels.

Thank you again for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you.


Russ Boone